This page contains generated documentation from the Customs code, describing the available classes and methods.


class customs.customs.Customs(*args, **kwargs)

Customs is a protective layer that makes sure every incoming request is properly authenticated and checked. Customs can define “safe zones”, like parts of your API, or protect individual routes. Customs is intended as middleware for Flask applications.

  • app (Flask) – The Flask application to mount this middleware on

  • use_sessions (bool, optional) – Whether or not to use sessions for storing user information. Defaults to True.

  • session_timeout (timedelta, optional) – The default expiration time for sessions. Defaults to timedelta(days=31).

  • user_class (Type, optional) – The class to use for parsing user information. Defaults to dict.

  • unauthorized_redirect_url (str, optional) – The URL to redirect to when a user tries to access an endpoint without proper authorization


>>> from flask import Flask
>>> from customs import Customs
>>> app = Flask(__name__)
>>> customs = Customs(app)
protect(strategies: Union[List[Union[str, customs.strategies.base_strategy.BaseStrategy]], str, customs.strategies.base_strategy.BaseStrategy]) → Callable

Decorator method that protects a specific route, using a set of strategies.


strategies (Union[List[Union[str, BaseStrategy]], str, BaseStrategy]) – The strategy or list of strategies to use for protection. Can be a list of strategy names, list of strategy objects or an individual strategy by name or as object.


The wrapped view function

Return type



>>> @app.route("/test")
... @customs.protect(strategies=["basic"])
... def test_route():
...     return "Success"
register_strategy(name: str, strategy: customs.strategies.base_strategy.BaseStrategy)customs.customs.Customs

Register a strategy without using it for every route. Makes the strategy available by its name. Most strategies auto-register, so this method should not be needed very often.

  • name (str) – The name of the strategy

  • strategy (BaseStrategy) – The strategy (which should inherit from BaseStrategy)


Returns this instance of customs for chaining

Return type


safe_zone(zone: Union[flask.blueprints.Blueprint, flask.app.Flask], strategies: List[Union[str, customs.strategies.base_strategy.BaseStrategy]])

Create a zone/section of the app that is protected with specific strategies. The zone can be an entire Flask application, or a section of the app in the form of a Blueprint.

  • zone (Union[Blueprint, Flask]) – The zone to protect

  • strategies (List[str]) – The names of the strategies to use


The (now protected) input zone

Return type

Union[Blueprint, Flask]


>>> from flask import Flask
>>> from customs import Customs
>>> app = Flask(__name__)
>>> customs = Customs(app)
>>> # Define routes here ...
>>> customs.safe_zone(app, strategies=["basic"])


Strategies define how the customs should protect a resource (endpoint, blueprint, or app). Strategies can be combined to create the desired protection. Strategies should be subclassed to tell them about application specific element, for example how to read a user from the database.

class customs.strategies.BasicStrategy

Strategy that enables authorization using the “basic” authorization header.


>>> class BasicAuthentication(BasicStrategy):
...     def get_or_create_user(self, user: Dict) -> Dict:
...         if user.get("username") in DATABASE:
...             return DATABASE[user["username"]]
...         else:
...             raise UnauthorizedException()
...     def validate_credentials(self, username: str, password: str) -> Dict:
...         if username in DATABASE and DATABASE[username].get("password") == password:
...             return DATABASE[username]
...         else:
...             raise UnauthorizedException()
authenticate(request: Union[werkzeug.wrappers.request.Request, flask.wrappers.Request]) → Any

Method that will extract the basic authorization header from the request, and will then call the validate_credentials method with a username and password. The validate_credentials method should be implemented by the user. This method is called by Customs internally and is not intended for external use.


request (Union[Request, FlaskRequest]) – The incoming request (usually a Flask request)


UnauthorizedException – Raised when the user is not authorized (invalid or missing credentials)


The user information

Return type


class customs.strategies.FacebookStrategy(client_id: str, client_secret: str, scopes: Optional[List[str]] = None, enable_insecure: bool = False, endpoint_prefix: Optional[str] = None)

Authentication using Facebook as an OAuth2 provider.

get_user_info() → Dict

Method to get user info for the logged in user.


UnauthorizedException – When the user is not authenticated


The user profile

Return type


class customs.strategies.GithubStrategy(client_id: str, client_secret: str, scopes: Optional[List[str]] = None, enable_insecure: bool = False, endpoint_prefix: Optional[str] = None)

Authentication using Github as an OAuth2 provider.

validate_token() → Dict

Method to validate a Github token with Github.


UnauthorizedException – When the user isn’t authenticated or token is not valid


The data from the token

Return type


class customs.strategies.GoogleStrategy(client_id: str, client_secret: str, scopes: Optional[List[str]] = None, enable_insecure: bool = False, endpoint_prefix: Optional[str] = None)

Authentication using Google as an OAuth2 provider.

validate_token() → Dict

Method to validate a Google token with Google.


UnauthorizedException – When the user isn’t authenticated or token is not valid


The data from the token

Return type


class customs.strategies.JWTStrategy(key: Optional[str] = None)

Authentication using JWT tokens.

authenticate(request: Union[werkzeug.wrappers.request.Request, flask.wrappers.Request]) → Any

Method that will extract the JWT authorization header from the request, and will then call the deserialize_user method with the decoded content of the token. The validate_credentials method should be implemented by the user. This method is called by Customs internally and is not intended for external use.


request (Union[Request, FlaskRequest]) – The incoming request (usually a Flask request)


UnauthorizedException – Raised when the user is not authorized (invalid or missing credentials)


The user information

Return type


sign(user: Any) → str

Sign a new token for the user. Serialize the user info before signing.


user (Any) – The user data to serialize and sign


The signed token

Return type


class customs.strategies.LocalStrategy

Authentication using request information (e.g. arguments) with username and password.

authenticate(request: Union[werkzeug.wrappers.request.Request, flask.wrappers.Request]) → Any

Method should return the user info